Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Great Grandma Hutchins

This past week my family and i had the amazing opportunity to go and visit my Great Grandma Hutchins. She is my mom's grandma, and my Grandma Norma's mom. She is an amazing woman, and if you pay attention and listen really well she can teach you many great and wonderful lessons. we always love going to her house, even though it doesn't happen very often because she lives so far away. Grandma lives in Grass Valley California. Here is a picture of historic down town.

upon arriving Grams had pasteys ready for us to eat. traditional to this part of california pasteys come from the old cornish miners who used to make them to take down in the mines with them. there is a thin crispy crust wraped around beef and onions. Grandma always has them for us when we first arrive. one memory that we all have of grandma's house is eating out on the patio. it cools down really nice out there and we can enjoy her company and beautiful backyard.

Grandma lives in cute little house on Footwall drive, her and Great Grandpa moved there over 50 years ago. when they moved in the trees were babies and there was only three houses around them, now with no more empty property and huge trees the house is how i remember it.

Another thing we ALWAYS do at grandma's is measure ourselves on the measuring wall. it's always fun to see how much we've grown since the last time we went. i hadn't been there since 2003, but sadly i havne't grown much....

Our visit was short but just right, we wouldn't want to tucker grandma out. it's always hard to leave, but we're always greatful for any time we get with her.

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