(in our living room, from left to right, Camille, Steffanie, and Caleb?)
I can't believe I have now lived in Twin falls a week!!!! it's so crazy to think that college life is really starting for me! although i came home this weekend for grandpa's party i made it home for church in my new singles ward. It was great to meet new friends, and to become aquainted with fellow students like myself. After church 3 of my 6 roommates and i cooked a delish sunday dinner. My roommates are spectacular! Ashley Hale is from Sweet Idaho. She is so much fun, (she was a clogger too! how cool is that?) Rosa Lopez is from mountain home, she's on student senate and so much fun also, not to mention she keeps me up on my spanish! Stephanie Warner is from Boise majoring in liberal arts, thanks to her we have a TV and a vaccum! lol. Camille is from Rigby, while majoring in Horiculture, she's also having alove affair with our mail box as she waits for her missionary, who returns in December!!!! then Megan Choate is from Castleford and graduated from Wendell High this year. Megs and I met while both moving in, but i was originally living a floor down, and then i was able to switch up here with her.
(megan got one of those awesome memory foam mattresses, "as seen on T.V. as she demonstrates here...while ashley stands back in awe!)
I am so grateful for my roommates, and living with them makes College life tons easier! My ward seems like tons of fun, we actually just meet in the institute building. It was fun to have church yesterday and then today in classes recognize people!
(Camille, stef, and I in our living room before a wicked game of uno!)
Our apartment is really nice, and perfect for 6 girls. there are six bedrooms, with two bathrooms. a large kitchen with two fridges and a huge pantry! the living room has really comfy couches, and it all just seems too good to be true, especially the A.C.
(rosa in her room, while un-packing!)
For some reason facebook won't let me up-load pics, i'm trying to get to the bottom of it, but until then you'll just have to see pictures here on my blog! which i hope to have time to update everyonce in a while, anyway...here's my bedroom....
(my desk area)
(The Kitchen)
well that's it for now!!!! stay posted for more fun college life adventures! love you all!!!!
Emmy Ann
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